The “Unlock Your Hip Flexors” program will definitely help with your hip impingement. Many people with hip impingement or femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) experience tightness in a muscle group called the iliopsoas. These muscles located in the front of your hips help to bend your hip up, and tightness here may be one cause of the pinching feeling you get in the front of your hip when sitting or bending your hip with FAI.
Stretching your hip flexor muscles may be one important component of your FAI exercise program. It is also important that you begin with resting the affected hip and modifying your activities to avoid moving the joint in a way that causes pain.
With a hip labral tear, the hip becomes unstable, and sometimes you feel a popping/clicking with movement as well as pain. Having said that, the stretching exercises may not be safe for your condition. However, you can do the following exercises:
1. Four-Way Hip with Resistive Band - Anchor the band onto something sturdy, and make the movements in the opposite direction of the band. Start off with hip adduction. Keeping your foot and knee straight for all the movements, pull your leg across your body slowly, and control it coming back. After doing these, you will turn facing the chair or countertop. Now kick forward for hip flexion. Turn again, and now kick out to the side for hip abduction. Finally, turn one more time, and kick behind you for hip extension. Try to keep your body upright for all of these. Start off with 10, and work your way up to 20-25. If those become easy, you can go to a heavier resistance band.
2. Balance Exercises - Stand on one foot, but hold onto something sturdy. Try to balance for 30 seconds to a minute. When that becomes easy, just use one finger on each side. Then just one finger for balance, and finally try balancing without holding on at all.
3. Squats - The best way to do a squat is to give yourself a target like a chair or couch. Spread your feet about shoulder width apart, and make sure your knee does not go in front of your toes.
4. Lunges - You can use a block or a pillow for a target now. Put one foot back into a lunge position keeping your toes straight. Try to keep your upper body upright. You can bend your back knee down to hit the target, and slowly come back up. Start with 10 of these and work your way up to 20-25.
For more Healthcare Specialist support on your Hip Condition, please submit a ticket here.
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