If you have had neck surgery or your neck is fused, it's crucial to approach sequential flow of the Forward Head Posture Fix program, with caution and under the guidance of a healthcare professional. While some exercises in the program may be beneficial for improving posture and reducing neck pain in certain individuals, others may need to be modified or avoided altogether to prevent exacerbating your condition or causing discomfort.
Before starting any new exercise program, it's essential to consult with your physician or physical therapist who can assess your specific situation, provide personalized recommendations, and ensure that the exercises are safe for you to perform. They can help you determine which exercises are appropriate, which ones to modify, and how to proceed safely to avoid any potential risks or complications.
Additionally, it's important to listen to your body and stop any exercise that causes pain or discomfort. If you experience any unusual symptoms or worsening of your condition while performing the exercises, stop immediately and consult with your healthcare provider.
In summary, while the Forward Head Posture Fix program may offer benefits for improving posture and reducing neck pain in some individuals, it's essential to proceed with caution and seek guidance from a healthcare professional to ensure that the program is safe and appropriate for you, especially if you have a history of neck surgery or fusion.
For more support for the Forward Head Posture Fix program, please submit a ticket here.
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